Krysta Saar, a 6th grade student from Mid Valley, began making and donating masks all by herself as soon as the pandemic started. Once she saw how many organizations and businesses needed proper protection from the COVID-19 virus, Krysta began sewing masks from home.
Angela Saar, Krysta’s mother, told the #netcares Philanthropy Team that her family had to turn their second bedroom of their family home into Krysta’s sewing room. From doctors’ offices, to postal workers, to firefighters, Krysta has donated to many essential workers to help protect them. Krysta kindly even donated masks to NET Credit Union employees.
NET Credit Union’s #netcares Philanthropy Team was happy to be able to donate $500 to Krysta. Krysta will use our donation to continue to help protect other local essential workers, businesses and organizations.
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