Refinance Student Loans | NET Credit Union
(570) 961-5300

Refinance Student Loans

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Why refi?

Competitive Rates

No Application Fee

No Origination Fee

Discount Auto Payment

Fixed & Variable Rate Option

You finally achieved your educational goals and earned that important college degree. Now you’ve found yourself buried in student loan debt. It’s time to take charge of that debt and your life. Refinancing student loans, both private and federal, with NET Credit Union can help combine all of your loans into one fixed monthly payment. It’s the smart and convenient move, as there will only be one monthly payment and due date to manage, rather than multiple. Simplify your finances today by refinancing your student loans with NET Credit Union. It’s quick and easy with our online student loan application.

The benefits of refinancing your student loan with NET

  • Fixed and variable rates available
  • Borrow up to $125,000
  • Easy online application
  • Flexible repayment terms to fit your budget
  • No application fee
  • No origination fees
  • No pre-payment penalties
  • Rate discount for auto pay

Three reasons to refinance your student loans

  1. You have multiple loans to manage
  2. You are paying high interest rates
  3. You have good credit

Combine multiple education loans into one at NET Credit Union. When you refinance your student loan with a credit union, you also get the piece of mind of knowing that the interest you pay goes back into the products and services that benefit you, the member.  This includes lower loan rates. We can help lower your monthly student loan payments overall with a reduced interest rate and extended payment terms. Confused about refinancing? Contact a NET loan representative at 570-961-1100 or visit any branch location.

Reach Us

Our headquarters are here in Scranton; but with our ATM network, digital banking and mobile app – we’re conveniently where you need us.

119 Mulberry Street
Scranton, PA 18503


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*Subject to qualification and additional criteria, including graduating from an approved school. IMPORTANT NOTICE: By refinancing federal student loans, you may lose certain borrower benefits from your original loans, including interest rate discounts, principal rebates, or some cancellation benefits that can significantly reduce the cost of repaying your loans.