Deposit Rates & Account Information - NET Credit Union
(570) 961-5300

Interest Rates on your share savings

Share TypeMinimum Balance to receive dividendsAPY
Share Savings*$200.010.05%
Share Holiday Club**$50.000.50%
Share Vacation Club**$50.000.50%
Digital Checking***If Qualifying Criteria Met:
$1.00 to $10,000
$10,000.01 or greater0.10%
If Qualifying Criteria Not Met0.005%
Digital Checking:
If Qualifying Criteria Met:
$1.00 to $10,000
$10,000.01 or greater0.10%
If Qualifying Criteria Not Met0.005%
Checking Plus***If Qualifying Criteria Met:
$1.00 to $10,000
$10,000.01 or greater0.10%
If Qualifying Criteria Not Met0.005%
Checking Plus: Savings***If Qualifying Criteria Met:
$1.00 to $10,000
$10,000.01 or greater0.10%
If Qualifying Criteria Not Met0.005%

* Minimum Opening Deposit is $5.
** No Minimum Opening Deposit.
***Click to View Monthly Qualifications

Share Certificates (CD)

Term of CertificateMinimum Opening DepositAPY
6 Month – Youth$2502.90%
3 Months$10002.85%
6 Months$10002.90%
9 Months$10002.95%
12 Months$10003.00%
18 Months$10003.00%
24 Months$10003.10%
30 Months$10003.10%
36 Months$10003.10%
48 Months$10003.15%
60 Months$10003.25%
** 8 Months $10004.00%
***IRA CD 8 Months$10004.25%

Penalty for Early withdrawal of Share Certificates – Forfeiture of dividends as shown below:
Early withdrawal penalty is based on term of certificate.
For certificates with an original term of 11 months or less, the penalty amount will be 90 days’ dividends.
For certificates with an original term between 12  and 17 months, the penalty amount will be 180 days’ dividends.
For certificates with an original term between 18 and 35 months, the penalty amount will be 365 days’ dividends.
For certificates with an original term between 36 and 59 months, the penalty amount will be 730 days’ dividends.
For certificates with an original term over 60 months, the penalty amount will be 910 days’ dividends.

IRA Certificates: Exceptions to Early Withdrawal Penalties: When an owners dies or is determined legally incompetent by a court or other body of competent jurisdiction. Minimum opening deposit of $1,000.  Early withdrawal penalty may reduce earnings. This penalty may reduce earnings of the certificate.

Money Market

$200 - 2,5001.00%
$2,500.01 - 25,0001.00%
$25,000.01 - 50,0001.15%
$50,000.01 - 100,0001.25%

*No Minimum Opening Deposit

IRA Share Balance

IRA Share BalanceAPY
$10,000.01 or greater0.50%

APY = Annual Percentage Yield
APR = Annual Percentage Rate

Depositors are federally insured to at least $250,000 and backed by the full faith and credit of the United States Government. All Deposit Products are Variable Rate and subject to change without notice. Fees may reduce earnings. Rates current as of 2/1/2025.

**Annual Percentage Yield. Rates are for limited time only and are subject to change at any moment. $1,000 minimum to open certificate of deposit and earn APY, limited to $1,000,000 maximum per social security number. Subject to early withdrawal penalty. Fees may reduce earnings. We cannot accept orders via email. Must meet membership eligibility requirements. Federally insured by NCUA. Rate current as of 1/1/2025.

*** Annual Percentage Yield. Rates are for limited time only. $1,000 minimum. Limited to $1,000,000 per social security number. Subject to early withdrawal penalty. We cannot accept orders via email. Must meet membership eligibility requirements. Federally insured. Limited time offer. Rates current as of 2/1/2025. NET does not provide tax, legal or accounting advice. This website has been prepared for informational purposes only, and is not intended to provide, and should not be relied on for, tax, legal or accounting advice. You should consult your own tax, legal and accounting advisors before engaging in any transaction.

****Annual Percentage Yield. All IRA products are considered member deposits. 6% APY  is earned based on balances of $1-$10,000.  0.50% APY is  earned on balances of $10,000.01 or greater. All IRA products are considered member deposits. All accounts must meet membership eligibility. $5 Membership Fee is required for new accounts opened and must be maintained in order to earn the APY.  NET does not provide tax, legal or accounting advice. Consult with your own tax, legal and accounting advisors before engaging in any transactions. NET Credit Union is federally insured by the NCUA. Limited time offer. Promotion ends on 4/30/2025