Evidence of insurance is required as a condition of your loan agreement.
Simply click the link below, log in to your account, and upload your insurance binder – not just an insurance card.*
Submit Online
Evidence of insurance is required as a condition of your loan agreement. Your insurance is uploaded in no time by clicking the link below
Email Option**
Mailing Option
NET Credit Union
Insurance Tracking Center
PO Box 924178
Fort Worth, TX 76124
Questions? Call 1-866-339-6888 M-F 6am-8pm & Sat 7am-4pm
*Insurance Binder should include the following policy requirements: Insured’s Name, Vehicle Description & VIN, Comprehensive & Collision deductibles not to exceed $1,000, Policy Number, Policy Period, NET Credit Union listed as Loss Payee/Lien Holder.
**This is an automated email account and only emails with file attachments in PDF, PNG, TIF or JPG formats can be accepted.