Overdraft Protection - NET Credit Union
(570) 961-5300

Overdraft Coverage Options

As a member of NET Credit Union, you can manage your money conveniently without the stress of bounced checks or insufficient funds. We realize that the unexpected sometimes happen, or perhaps you miscalculated your balance, and as a result an overdraft occurs. We’ve all done it; forgotten to deduct that ATM withdrawal or debit card purchase. To help protect you, we provide two overdraft options.

Overdraft Protection Services to Another Savings Account you have at NET Federal Credit UnionNo fee per transfer
Overdraft Privilege$30 OD Privilege Fee per item

1. Overdraft Protection

Overdraft Protection services apply to all transactions on your checking account and may help prevent overdrafts by automatically transferring funds to your checking account from your savings account you may have at NET Credit Union. Generally, this service is set up automatically at account opening.

2. Overdraft Privilege

Overdraft Privilege allows you to overdraw your account up to the disclosed limit for a fee to pay a transaction. Even if you have Overdraft Protection, Overdraft Privilege is still available as secondary coverage if the other protection source is exhausted. Please review What Else You Should Know for other important information. 

Transactions Covered with Overdraft PrivilegeStandard Coverage (No action required)Extended Coverage (Your consent required)
ACH - Automatic DebitsXX
Recurring Debit Card PaymentsXX
Online Bill Pay ItemsXX
Internet Banking TransfersXX
Telephone BankingXX
Teller Window TransactionsXX
ATM TransactionsX*
Everyday Debit Card TransactionsX*

If you would like to select Extended Coverage for future transactions:


  • Call us at (570) 961-5300
  • Visit any branch
  • e-mail us at info@netcreditunion.com

Enroll in Overdraft Privilege


  • Log in to Digital Banking
  • On mobile, click “More”
  • Go to” Accounts” and select “Overdraft Privilege”
  • Click “Enroll”
  • Click the “OPT IN” for the preferred account
  • Click “Save”

Manage Monthly Payments with DoubleCheck

Happy couple

DoubleCheck makes it easier to manage your reocurring payments!

DoubleCheck puts the decision in your hands. Not only can you review which transactions are impacted and prioritize them so your most critical payments are made, but you also have the option to pay for items with cash, credit card or a third-party payment service.

It’s quick and easy to access DoubleCheck in Digital Banking.

It’s quick and easy to access DoubleCheck in Digital Banking. Just log into Digital Banking > Accounts > Transfer & Pay > Access DoubleCheck

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Know Before You Bounce:

DoubleCheck provides notification of insufficient funds while there’s still time to act.

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Pick Who Gets Paid:

DoubleCheck lets you choose what transactions are paid and which are returned, because rent is more important than Netflix.

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Deposits Made Easy:

DoubleCheck allows you to add funds to your account to cover any shortage using a credit card, cash, available balance or even services like Venmo, Zelle or PayPal.

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Skip The Pain:

DoubleCheck can help you avoid canceled services and costly late fees.

Accounts will be charged the OD Privilege fee of $ 30 for handling each overdraft created by check, ACH, Point of Sale, ATM withdrawal, in-person withdrawal, or other electronic item that is paid and $ 30 for NSF items.  An overdrawn balance must be repaid within 32 days.  We may not pay items under your Overdraft Privilege if you do not maintain your account in good standing by bringing your account to a positive balance within every 32-day period for a minimum of 24 hours, if you default on any loan or other obligation to NET Credit Union or if your account is subject to any legal or administrative order or levy. Click to see what else you should know.