Personal Loans
When you’re in need of cash, NET Credit Union is here to help. All we need is your signature and you can borrow money for any need at all. Personal loans can be a simple solution for sudden expenses you weren’t expecting. NET Credit Union has a variety of loan packages that our members can use for any reason.
Low Fixed Rates
No Application Fee
No Collateral Required
Fixed Payments
Benefits of a NET Personal Loan
- Low fixed interest rate
- Fixed, affordable payments
- Flexible terms
- Easy online application process
- No application fee
- No collateral required
- No prepayment penalties
Personal loans for any reason
- Auto repairs
- Home repairs
- Household purchases
- Pay tax bills (property, school, income tax)
- Wedding expenses
- Tuition expenses
- Large purchases
- Medical expenses
- Consolidate higher interest debt
When you’re shopping for a personal loan, be sure to visit NET Credit Union for the best rates and terms. NET also offers convenient loan payment options, including payroll deduction or automatic transfers from another account.
You’ve come to the right place. A NET Credit Union a personal loan gets you the money you need when you need it. Apply online at the link above. Our personal loans are fast, flexible and affordable. Need to speak to a NET loan representative? Call 570-961-1100
Disclaimer** All loans subject to approval. Rates, terms and conditions are subject to change and may vary based on creditworthiness and qualifications.