Scranton, PA December January 10, 2022- The Board of Directors of NET Credit Union is accepting applications from the general membership for a seat on the Credit Union’s Supervisory Committee.
Beginning January 1, 2022, applications will be accepted for a consideration for a seat on the Supervisory Committee. An applicant must be a member of the Credit Union and their accounts must be in good standing.
The Supervisory Committee is a volunteer Committee appointed by the Board of Directors. The purpose of the Committee is to assist the Board of Directors and Management of the Credit Union in safeguarding the members’ assets, ensuring the reliability and integrity of the financial and operational information, maintaining the effectiveness and efficiency of operations, complying with applicable laws and regulations, and fostering and evaluating enterprise risk management activities to ensure the long term viability and success of the Credit Union.
Per federal regulations, these positions are voluntary and do not receive any type of monetary compensation. However, a member of the Committee does have benefits such as opportunities for education, reasonable travel expenses, excellent networking opportunities and the knowledge that you will be serving your credit Union to help build its future and ensure its continued success.
Resumes should be sent to the Board Chairman, Don Bailey, at or by mail to:
NET Credit Union
Supervisory Committee Application
Attention: Don Bailey, Chairman
119 Mulberry Street
Scranton, PA 18510
All applications must be received by the end of business on March 31, 2022.
A Credit Union is a place to do your banking. NET is a not-for-profit financial institution, and we operate like a bank except we don’t issue stock on Wall St. Since we don’t have to pay stockholders, we use our income to provide lower loan rates, higher deposit rates, reinvest in our community, give to charities (#netcares), and keep our fees low. There’s so much more you get when you bank on NET.
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