Scranton, PA January 7, 2022- Marc Michalowski has been promoted to CIO, Chief Information Officer. Marc’s diverse experience in both IT and the credit union industry continues to help NET Credit Union grow and develop.

Cheryl DeHaut has been promoted to Vice President of Risk Management. Cheryl is responsible for managing the Compliance and Human Resources Departments, which both ensure that NET’s policies and procedures comply with regulatory and ethical standards.

Mary Rapach has been promoted to Member Service Center Manager. Mary has multiple years of call center experience, which has helped evolve NET Credit Union’s Member Service Department to serve our members better.

Andrea Krivak has been promoted to Accounting Manager. Andrea has both public accounting and credit union accounting experience. She is currently pursuing her MBA.
Steve Cowgill has been promoted to IT Manager. Steve has various years of IT experience, which has assisted both the IT Department and credit union expand our products and services.

Lauren Pabst has been promoted to Marketing Manager. Lauren has over five years experience within both the company and department. She is responsible for educating our members, staff and community about NET Credit Union’s products and services.
A Credit Union is a place to do your banking. NET is a not-for-profit financial institution, and we operate like a bank except we don’t issue stock on Wall St. Since we don’t have to pay stockholders, we use our income to provide lower loan rates, higher deposit rates, reinvest in our community, give to charities (#netcares), and keep our fees low. There’s so much more you get when you bank on NET.
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