NET Scholarships
$10,000 in scholarships will be awarded!Now Accepting 2025 Scholarship Applications
One $5,000 scholarship will be awarded to a current senior high school student.
One $5,000 scholarship will be awarded to a current college/trade student.
2025 Scholarship Question
Banking is easier, faster and more convenient with NET. What makes NET Future Ready Now? How can we continue to move forward in the banking industry?
Application requirements
- Applicants must be NET Credit Union members.
- Must be a High school senior, College student, or Trade school student.
- The student must have proof of a B average or better and proof of attendance.
- Each applicant must submit a cover page and 1,000-word essay answering the question above. Cover page must include First & Last Name, Last Four Digits of your Account Number and whether you are a High school or College/Trade school applicant.
- Applications must be submitted by Sunday, March 31st, 2025.
Submit your Scholarship Application
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Applications must be submitted by Monday, March 31st. Questions can be sent in using the form fill below or sent to with the subject line “Scholarship Question.”
Reach Us
Our headquarters are here in Scranton; but with our ATM network, online banking and mobile app – we’re conveniently where you need us.
119 Mulberry Street
Scranton, PA 18503
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