Future Ready Now: Instant Access Cards
NET has many features that bring us into the future of banking. There is no need to worry about being stuck in the past, when the future of banking is available with NET.
Need a debit or credit card right away? Apply online and receive a digital card that is ready to use in the app or mobile wallet. You can even stop in the branch same day for a physical card.
NET provides our members with a debit or credit card digitally, allowing them to use it almost immediately after approval. Instead of waiting days for a physical card to arrive, members can access their virtual debit or credit card details instantly, making the card ready to use for online or in-store purchases right away.
- NET members will be able to view the full card number, expiration date, and CVV in Digital Banking under Card Management
- To access Card Management, go to Accounts > Card Management

- Once at the Card Management page, select View details to unmask your full 16-digit card number, expiration date, and CVV

Please contact our Member Service Center with questions:
• Call or Text 570-961-5300
• Website Chat
• Digital Banking Direct Message
• Visit https://netcreditunion.com/contact-net/
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